
Testing for impact of Infineon's vulnerable RSA generation (CVE-2017-15361)

A security vulnerability exists in the firmware of certain Infineon Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chipsets. The vulnerability weakens key strength. It is weakened so much that it is possible to derive the private key from the public key for RSA key pairs of up to 2048-bit.
This page contains a number of manners in which you can verify whether your computer contains an affected Infineon TPM chip that generates vulnerable RSA key pairs.


How to run the WSUS Server Cleanup Wizard from command-line

When running the WSUS Server Cleanup Wizard from the MMC snap-in, it can occur that you receive the following WSUS database error:

Error: Database Error
An error occurred when trying to perform a database operation. This can happen if the database is very busy, if the database service is stopped, if the connection to the database is lost, of if the Post-Installation task is not completed successfully. Please contact your system administrator if the problem persists.

Click Reset Server Node to try to connect to the server again.


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