Backtrack 4 customization

This page is mainly a checklist for myself to know how I have to customize a freshly downloaded version of Backtrack 4.

Change keyboard layout

Use the following command to change the keyboard layout:

dpkg-reconfigure console-setup

Accept all default, except changing the origin to Belgium (if you want to use be-latin1).

Update all packages

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

Configure SSH

You still have to generate your SSH keys


Enable syntax coloring in vim

Install the full version of vim:

apt-get install vim

Then make a change to the /etc/vim/vimrc configuration file: uncomment the following lines:

  • syntax on
  • set background=dark

Install skipfish in backtrack 4

First install an additional library, then download and compile skipfish

apt-get install libidn11-dev
tar -xzf skipfish-1.88b.tgz
cd skipfish-1.88b

Install stompy - the Session Stomper - in backtrack 4

First install an additional library, then download and compile stompy

apt-get install libgmp3-dev
tar -xzf stompy.tgz
cd stompy


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